Line Processing

  1. Angles
    1. Compute Angle at which Two Lines Intersect
    2. Compute Azimuth at a Point on a Line
    3. Create Line Segment with specified angle
  2. Distance
    1. Compute Perpendicular Distance to a Baseline (AKA “Width” of a curve)
    2. Measure Length of every LineString segment
  3. Line Metrics
    1. Sinuosity of a Line
  4. Inserting Vertices into Lines
    1. Find Segment of Line Closest to Point to allow Point Insertion
    2. Insert LineString Vertices at Closest Point(s)
    3. Add intersection points between sets of Lines (AKA Noding)
  5. Extracting Vertices from Lines
    1. Select every Nth point from a LineString
    2. Construct evenly-spaced points along a polygon boundary
  6. Extracting Segments from Lines
    1. Extract Segments from LineStrings
      1. Using ST_DumpSegents
      2. Using LATERAL JOIN with generate_series
      3. Using ST_Dump and LEAD window function
    2. Extract Segments from MultiLineStrings
      1. Using ST_DumpSegents
      2. Using LATERAL JOIN with generate_series
  7. Interpolating Lines
    1. Construct Line substring containing a set of Points
  8. Extrapolating Lines
    1. Extrapolate a Line
    2. Extending a straight Line
    3. PostGIS Ideas
    4. Extend a LineString to the boundary of a polygon
    5. Extrapolate a Line to opposite side of Polygon
    6. Find Intersection point of disjoint Lines
  9. Splitting Lines
    1. Remove Longest Segment from a LineString
    2. Split Lines into sections of given length
    3. Split Lines by Points
  10. Merging Lines
    1. Merge lines that touch at endpoints
      1. See Also
    2. Merge lines that touch at endpoints 2
    3. Connect Lines that do not touch


Compute Angle at which Two Lines Intersect

Compute Azimuth at a Point on a Line

Solution Would be nice to have a ST_SegmentIndex function to get the index of the segment nearest to a point. Then this becomes simple.

Create Line Segment with specified angle


Compute Perpendicular Distance to a Baseline (AKA “Width” of a curve)

Measure Length of every LineString segment Solution Use CROSS JOIN LATERAL with generate_series and ST_MakeLine, ST_Length ST_DumpSegments would make this much easier!

Line Metrics

Sinuosity of a Line

Inserting Vertices into Lines

Find Segment of Line Closest to Point to allow Point Insertion

Currently requires iteration. Would be nice if the Linear Referencing functions could return segment index. See

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_LineLocateN( line geometry, pt geometry )
RETURNS integer
AS $$
    SELECT i, ST_Distance(
        ST_MakeLine( ST_PointN( line, s.i ), ST_PointN( line, s.i+1 ) ),
        pt) AS dist
      FROM generate_series(1, ST_NumPoints( line )-1) AS s(i)
      ORDER BY dist
    ) AS t LIMIT 1;

Insert LineString Vertices at Closest Point(s)

ST_Snap does this nicely

SELECT ST_AsText( ST_Snap('LINESTRING (0 0, 9 9, 20 20)',
  'MULTIPOINT( (1 1.1), (12 11.9) )', 0.2));

Add intersection points between sets of Lines (AKA Noding) Problem Add nodes into a road network from access side roads

Solutions One post recommends simply unioning (overlaying) all the linework. This was accepted, but has obvious problems: Hard to extract just the road network lines If side road falls slightly short will not create a node

Extracting Vertices from Lines

Select every Nth point from a LineString

Construct evenly-spaced points along a polygon boundary

Note that the point count needs to be substituted in two places in the following query:

WITH shell AS (
  SELECT ST_ExteriorRing('POLYGON ((5 5, 10 15, 17 10, 5 5))') geom
SELECT i, ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom, (i-1.0)/40) pt
    FROM shell
    JOIN generate_series (1, 40) AS step(i) ON true;

Extracting Segments from Lines

Extract Segments from LineStrings

Using ST_DumpSegents

In PostGIS 3.2 this can be done with ST_DumpSegments:

WITH data(geom) AS (VALUES
  ('LINESTRING (1 1, 3 1, 5 2, 7 1, 9 1, 9 3)'::geometry),
  ('LINESTRING (1 5, 5 6, 9 5)'::geometry)
SELECT ST_AsText( (ST_DumpSegments( data.geom )).geom ) AS seg
  FROM data;

Using LATERAL JOIN with generate_series

This can be done in SQL using an implicit LATERAL JOIN against two generate_series calls on the number of line elements and the number of vertices in each line:

WITH data(id, geom) AS (VALUES
  (1, 'LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4)'::geometry),
  (2, 'LINESTRING (0 1, 0 2, 0 3, 0 4)'::geometry)
SELECT id, ST_AsText( ST_MakeLine(ST_PointN(geom, i-1), ST_PointN(geom, i))) AS seg
  FROM data 
       CROSS JOIN generate_series(2, ST_NumPoints(data.geom)) AS i;

Using ST_Dump and LEAD window function

WITH data(id, geom) AS (VALUES
  (1, 'LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4)'::geometry),
  (2, 'LINESTRING (0 1, 0 2, 0 3, 0 4)'::geometry)
SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, ST_AsText( ST_MakeLine(dmp.geom, LEAD(dmp.geom) OVER(PARTITION BY id ORDER BY dmp.path))) AS seg
                 FROM data
                 CROSS JOIN LATERAL ST_DumpPoints(geom) AS dmp) AS t

Extract Segments from MultiLineStrings

Using ST_DumpSegents

In PostGIS 3.2 this can be done with ST_DumpSegments:

WITH data(geom) AS (VALUES
  ('MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 3 1, 5 2, 7 1, 9 1, 9 3), (1 3, 3 3, 5 4, 7 3))'::geometry),
  ('MULTILINESTRING ((1 5, 5 6, 9 5), (1 6, 5 7, 9 6))'::geometry)
SELECT ST_AsText( (ST_DumpSegments( data.geom )).geom ) AS seg
  FROM data;

Using LATERAL JOIN with generate_series

This can be done in SQL using an implicit LATERAL JOIN against two generate_series calls on the number of line elements and the number of vertices in each line:

WITH data(geom) AS (VALUES
  ('MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 3 1, 5 2, 7 1, 9 1, 9 3), (1 3, 3 3, 5 4, 7 3))'::geometry),
  ('MULTILINESTRING ((1 5, 5 6, 9 5), (1 6, 5 7, 9 6))'::geometry)
SELECT ST_MakeLine(ST_PointN(line, j-1), ST_PointN(line, j)) AS seg
  FROM (SELECT ST_GeometryN(geom, i) AS line
          FROM data, 
               generate_series(1, ST_NumGeometries(data.geom)) AS i) AS t,
               generate_series(2, ST_NumPoints(t.line)) AS j;

Interpolating Lines

Construct Line substring containing a set of Points

Solution 1 - Extract subline with new endpoints

  • use ST_LineLocatePoint() on each intersection point to get the fraction of the point on the line
  • use ST_LineSubstring(my_line.geom, min(fraction), max(fraction)) with a GROUP BY on the line id to get subline

Solution 2 - Extract subline with all points added

Comment: this probably only works for a single line and using all points in a table.

SELECT  id, ST_Makeline(geom) AS geom
FROM   (
                ST_LineLocatePoint(ln.geom, pts.geom),
                ST_LineLocatePoint(ln.geom, LEAD(pts.geom) OVER(ORDER BY
            ) AS geom
    FROM    <line> AS ln
            <points> AS pts
) q

Extrapolating Lines

Extrapolate a Line


Extending a straight Line

Extend a line between two points by a given amount (1 m) at both ends.


WITH data AS ( SELECT ST_MakeLine(ST_Point(1,2), ST_Point(3,4)) AS geom )
SELECT ST_AsText( ST_MakeLine(  
                    ST_Translate(b, sin(azBA) * len, cos(azBA) * len),
                    ST_Translate(a, sin(azAB) * len, cos(azAB) * len)) )
  FROM (
    SELECT a, b, 
           ST_Azimuth(a, b) AS azAB, ST_Azimuth(b, a) AS azBA, 
           ST_Distance(a, b) + len_extend AS len
    FROM (
        SELECT ST_StartPoint(geom) AS a, ST_EndPoint(geom) AS b, 1.0 as len_extend
        FROM data
        ) AS sub
    ) AS sub2;

PostGIS Ideas

ST_LineSubstring could be enhanced to allow fractions outside [0,1].
Or make a new function ST_LineExtend (which should also handle shortening the line).

Extend a LineString to the boundary of a polygon

PostGIS Idea Create a new function ST_LineExtract(line, index1, index2) to extract a portion of a LineString between two vertex indices

Extrapolate a Line to opposite side of Polygon

Given a point in a polygon and a point outside the polygon, find the point on the opposite side of the polygon lying on the line between them.


radius AS (SELECT ST_MakeLine( pt.geom, ST_Centroid(poly.geom) ) AS geom FROM pnt pt, polygon poly),
asilen AS (SELECT ST_Azimuth(ST_StartPoint(geom), ST_EndPoint(geom)) AS azimuth, 
                ST_Distance(ST_StartPoint(geom), ST_EndPoint(geom)) + 0.00001 AS length FROM radius),
tblc AS (SELECT ST_MakeLine(a.geom, ST_Translate(a.geom, sin(azimuth)*length, cos(azimuth)*length)) geom FROM radius a, asilen b),
tbld AS (SELECT ST_Intersection(a.geom, ST_ExteriorRing(b.geom)) geom FROM tblc a JOIN polygon b ON ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom)),
all_pts AS (SELECT (ST_Dump(geom)).geom geom FROM tbld)
SELECT (all_pts.geom) geom, ST_Distance(all_pts.geom, radius.geom) dist 
  FROM all_pts, radius 

Find Intersection point of disjoint Lines

Solution Extend both lines so that they intersect, then compute intersection point.

WITH segments AS ( 
    SELECT ST_StartPoint('LINESTRING (4.505476754241158 51.92221504789901, 4.505379267847784 51.92221833721103)') AS s1_a, 
           ST_EndPoint(  'LINESTRING (4.505476754241158 51.92221504789901, 4.505379267847784 51.92221833721103)') AS s1_b,
           ST_StartPoint('LINESTRING (4.50554487780521 51.922119943633575, 4.504656820078167 51.92231795217855)') AS s2_a, 
           ST_EndPoint(. 'LINESTRING (4.50554487780521 51.922119943633575, 4.504656820078167 51.92231795217855)') AS s2_b
,azimuths AS ( SELECT *,
    ST_Azimuth(s1_a, s1_b) AS s1_az1,
    ST_Azimuth(s1_b, s1_a) AS s1_az2,    1 AS s1_len,
    ST_Azimuth(s2_a, s2_b) AS s2_az1,
    ST_Azimuth(s2_b, s2_a) AS s2_az2,    1 AS s2_len 
  FROM segments
SELECT ST_Intersection(
  ST_MakeLine( ST_Translate(s1_b, sin(s1_az1) * s1_len, cos(s1_az1) * s1_len), 
               ST_Translate(s1_a, sin(s1_az2) * s1_len, cos(s1_az2) * s1_len) ),
  ST_MakeLine( ST_Translate(s2_b, sin(s2_az1) * s2_len, cos(s2_az1) * s2_len), 
               ST_Translate(s2_a, sin(s2_az2) * s2_len, cos(s2_az2) * s2_len) )
FROM azimuths;

Splitting Lines

Remove Longest Segment from a LineString

Solution (part) Remove longest segment, splitting linestring into two parts if needed.

Useful patterns in this code:

JOIN LATERAL generate_series to extract the line segments array slicing to extract a subline containing a section of the original line

It would be clearer if parts of this SQL were wrapped in functions (e.g. an ST_LineSlice function, and a ST_DumpSegments function - which should become part of PostGIS).

WITH data(id, geom) AS (VALUES
    ( 1, 'LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1, 2.1 2, 3 3, 4 4)'::geometry )
longest AS (SELECT i AS iLongest, geom,
    ST_Distance(  ST_PointN( data.geom, s.i ),
                  ST_PointN( data.geom, s.i+1 ) ) AS dist
        SELECT i FROM generate_series(1, ST_NumPoints( data.geom )-1) AS gs(i)
     ) AS s(i) ON true
   ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1
  CASE WHEN iLongest > 2 THEN ST_AsText( ST_MakeLine(
    (ARRAY( SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(geom)).geom FROM longest))[1 : iLongest - 1]
  )) ELSE null END AS line1,
  CASE WHEN iLongest < ST_NumPoints(geom) - 1 THEN ST_AsText( ST_MakeLine(
    (ARRAY( SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(geom)).geom FROM longest))[iLongest + 1: ST_NumPoints(geom)]
  )) ELSE null END AS line2
FROM longest;

Split Lines into sections of given length

Modern solution using LATERAL:

WITH data AS (
        ( 'A', 'LINESTRING( 0 0, 200 0)'::geometry ),
        ( 'B', 'LINESTRING( 0 100, 350 100)'::geometry ),
        ( 'C', 'LINESTRING( 0 200, 50 200)'::geometry )
    ) AS t(id, geom)
SELECT id, i, ST_AsText( ST_LineSubstring( d.geom, substart, LEAST(subend, 1) )) AS geom
FROM (SELECT id, geom, ST_Length(geom) len, 100 sublen FROM data) AS d
    SELECT i,  
           (sublen * i)/len AS substart,
           (sublen * (i+1)) / len AS subend
    FROM generate_series(0, floor( d.len / sublen )::integer ) AS t(i)
    -- skip last i if line length is exact multiple of sublen
    WHERE (sublen * i)/len <> 1.0  
    ) AS d2;

See also This one contains a utility function to segment a line by length, by using ST_LineSubstring. Possible candidate for inclusion?

Split Lines by Points

Solution 1 - ST_Snap and ST_Split

  • Use ST_Snap to snap line to point(s) to ensure points are in line
  • Use ST_Split to split line at points
  'LINESTRING(0 0, 100 100)'::geometry AS line,
  'POINT(51 50)':: geometry AS point
SELECT ST_AsText( ST_Split( ST_Snap(line, point, 1), point)) AS split
       FROM data;

Solution 2 - ST_LineLocatePoint and ST_LineSubstring

  data(_input, _blade) AS (
    VALUES (
      'SRID=3857;LINESTRING(6050668.141401841 3747562.695792065, 6050847.281693009 3748099.9265132365, 6051307.630580775 3747871.7845201474)'::GEOMETRY,
      'SRID=3857;POINT(6050714.928364518 3747735.4091125955)'::GEOMETRY
  ST_LineSubstring(_input, 0, ST_LineLocatePoint(_input, _blade)) AS part1,
  ST_LineSubstring(_input, ST_LineLocatePoint(_input, _blade), 1) AS part2
  FROM data;

Merging Lines

Merge lines that touch at endpoints

Solution given uses ST_ClusterWithin. Can be improved slightly (e.g. can use ST_Boundary to get endpoints?). Would be nicer if ST_ClusterWithin was a window function.

Could also use a recursive query to do a transitive closure of the “touches at endpoints” condition. This would be a nice example, and would scale better.

Can also use ST_LineMerge to do this:

WITH data(geom) AS (VALUES
        ('LINESTRING (0 0, 1 1)'),
        ('LINESTRING (2 2, 1 1)'),
        ('LINESTRING (7 3, 0 0)'),
        ('LINESTRING (2 4, 2 3)'),
        ('LINESTRING (3 8, 1 5)'),
        ('LINESTRING (1 5, 2 5)'),
        ('LINESTRING (7 3, 0 7)')
merged AS (
    SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Collect(geom)))).geom
    FROM data
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS cid,
FROM  merged;

See Also

WITH data(geom) AS (VALUES
( 'LINESTRING (50 50, 150 100, 250 75)'::geometry )
,( 'LINESTRING (250 75, 200 0, 130 30, 100 150)'::geometry )
,( 'LINESTRING (100 150, 130 170, 220 190, 290 190)'::geometry )
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_LineMerge(ST_Collect(geom))) AS line 
FROM data;

Merge lines that touch at endpoints 2


Connect Lines that do not touch

Solution No built-in function to do this, but post provides a custom function.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.st_mergecloselines(
    geometry, geometry)
    RETURNS geometry
    LANGUAGE 'sql'
-- This function merge two lines that don't within (dont touching) returing a single multiline. By Emilson Ribeiro Neto -

select ST_LineMerge(st_union(st_union($1,       
            WHEN (st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2))
                and (st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)))
                and (st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2)))
              ) THEN st_makeLine(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2))

            WHEN   (st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2))
                and (st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)))
                and (st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2)))
              ) THEN st_makeLine(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)) 

            WHEN   (st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2))
                and (st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_StartPoint($2)))
                and (st_distanceSphere(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2)) < st_distanceSphere(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2)))
              ) THEN st_makeLine(ST_StartPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2))
            else  st_makeLine(ST_EndPoint($1),ST_EndPoint($2))