Difference, Symmetric Difference

  1. Polygon Difference
    1. Remove polygons from a surrounding box
    2. Remove polygon coverage from a single very large polygon
    3. Remove Polygon table from another Polygon table
      1. Solution
    4. Remove overlaps in a Polygon table by lower-priority polygons
      1. Solution
    5. Split Polygons by distance from a Polygon
    6. Cut Polygons into a Polygon table
      1. Solution
    7. Remove MultiPolygons from LineStrings
      1. Solution `
      2. Solution 2
      3. Solution
    8. Extract Block faces Lines from Parcel Polygons
      1. Solution 1
      2. Solution 2
  2. Polygon Symmetric Difference
    1. Construct symmetric difference of two tables

Polygon Difference

Remove polygons from a surrounding box


Solution - Basic

Basic solution is too slow to use on 100K polygons

SELECT ST_Difference(
          ST_MakeEnvelope(-124.7844079, 24.7433195, -66.9513812, 49.3457868, 4326), 
          ST_UNION(union.geom)) as geom
FROM polys
                        ST_MakeEnvelope(-124.7844079, 24.7433195, -66.9513812, 49.3457868, 4326))

Solution - reconstruct polygons as holes

Solution - subdivide extent with Voronoi diagram

    pts AS (SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(geom)).geom FROM polys),
    vor AS (SELECT ((ST_Dump(ST_VoronoiPolygons(ST_Collect(geom)))).geom) geom FROM pts),
    clip AS (SELECT ST_Intersection(v.geom, b.geom) geom FROM vor v JOIN box b ON ST_Intersects(v.geom, b.geom)),
    diff AS (SELECT ST_Difference(c.geom, p.geom) geom FROM clip c 
      JOIN polys p ON ST_Intersects(c.geom, p.geom) AND ST_Overlaps(c.geom, p.geom))
    SELECT ST_Union(geom) geom FROM diff;

Solution - subdivide extent as grid

Issues Basic approach is too slow to use (Note: user never actually completed processing, so might not have encountered geometry size issues, which could also occur)

Remove polygon coverage from a single very large polygon



  • Use ST_Subdivide on large polygon
  • Compute difference between subdivided “squares” and ST_Union of overlapping coverage polygons
  • Union the remainders


  • unioning the remainders may produce very narrow gores, if the difference operation used some robustness heuristics
  • the final unioned result is likely to be a very large polygon with many holes. This is inefficient to perform further processing on. It may be better to use the remainders directly, depending on the processing required.
-- Turn NJ into a large number of small tractable areas
CREATE SEQUENCE nj_square_id;
CREATE TABLE nj_squares AS
    nextval('nj_square_id') AS nj_id, 
    ST_SubDivide(geom) AS geom
  FROM nj;

-- Index the squares for faster searching
CREATE INDEX nj_squares_x ON nj_squares USING GIST (geom);

-- Index parcels too in case you forgot
CREATE INDEX parcels_x ON parcels USING GIST (geom);

-- For each square, compute "bits that aren't parcels"
CREATE TABLE nj_not_parcels AS
WITH parcel_polys AS (
  SELECT nj.nj_id, ST_Union(p.geom) AS geom
  FROM nj_squares nj
  JOIN parcels p
  ON ST_Intersects(p.geom, nj.geom)
  GROUP BY nj.nj_id
SELECT nj_id,
  ST_Difference(nj.geom, pp.geom) AS geom
FROM parcel_polys pp 
JOIN nj_squares
USING (nj_id);

Remove Polygon table from another Polygon table

https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/250674/postgis-st-difference-similar-to-arcgis-erase https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/187406/how-to-use-st-difference-and-st-intersection-in-case-of-multipolygons-postgis https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/90174/postgis-when-i-add-a-polygon-delete-overlapping-areas-in-other-layers https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/155597/using-st-difference-to-remove-overlapping-features https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/390281/using-postgis-to-find-the-overall-difference-between-two-large-polygon-dataset


  • For each target polygon, find union of all intersecting eraser polygons
  • Use LEFT JOIN to include targets with no intersections
  • Result is either difference of eraser from target, or original target (via COALESCE)
WITH input(geom) AS (VALUES
( 'POLYGON ((10 50, 40 50, 40 10, 10 10, 10 50))'::geometry ),
( 'POLYGON ((70 50, 70 10, 40 10, 40 50, 70 50))'::geometry ),
( 'POLYGON ((90 50, 90 10, 70 10, 70 50, 90 50))'::geometry ),
( 'POLYGON ((90 90, 90 50, 70 50, 70 90, 90 90))'::geometry )
eraser(geom) AS (VALUES
( 'POLYGON ((30 60, 50 60, 50 40, 30 40, 30 60))'::geometry ),
( 'POLYGON ((30 30, 50 30, 50 10, 30 10, 30 30))'::geometry ),
( 'POLYGON ((60 40, 80 40, 80 20, 60 20, 60 40))'::geometry )
         ST_Difference(i.geom, ie.geom),
       ) AS geom
FROM  input AS i
  SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS geom
  FROM   eraser AS e
  WHERE  ST_Intersects(i.geom, e.geom)
) AS ie ON true ;

Similar: Find portions of countries not covered by administrative areas.


Remove overlaps in a Polygon table by lower-priority polygons



Using && greatly improves query performance.

         ST_Difference(a.geom, blade.geom),
       )) AS geom
FROM   tbl AS a
  SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS geom
  FROM   tbl AS b
  WHERE  a.geom && b.geom AND a.prio > b.prio
) AS blade;

Split Polygons by distance from a Polygon


Cut Polygons into a Polygon table


Use Case: cut a more detailed and attributed polygon coverage dataset (detail) into a less detailed polygon coverage (base).

WITH detail_cutter AS (
  SELECT ST_Union(d.geom) AS geom, b.gid
  FROM base b JOIN detail d ON ST_Intersects(b.geom, d.geom)
  GROUP BY b.gid
base_rem AS (
  SELECT ST_Difference(b.geom, d.geom) AS geom, b.gid
  FROM base b JOIN detail_cutter d ON b.gid = d.gid
-- base remainders
SELECT 'base' AS type, b.geom, b.gid
  FROM base_rem b
-- cutter polygons
SELECT 'detail' AS type, d.geom, d.gid
  FROM detail d
-- uncut base polygons
SELECT 'base' AS type, b.geom, b.gid
  FROM base b 
  LEFT JOIN detail d ON ST_Intersects(b.geom,d.geom)
  WHERE d.gid is null;


  • For each base polygon, union all detail polygons which intersect it (the “cutters”)
  • Difference the cutter union from the base polygon
    • The base polygon remainders
    • The cutter polygons
    • The uncut base polygons

Remove MultiPolygons from LineStrings

https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/239696/subtract-multipolygon-table-from-linestring-table https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/11592/difference-between-two-layers-in-postgis

Solution `

SELECT COALESCE(ST_Difference(river.geom, lakes.geom), river.geom) As river_geom 
FROM river 
  LEFT JOIN lakes ON ST_Intersects(river.geom, lakes.geom);

Solution 2



SELECT row_number() over() AS gid,
ST_CollectionExtract(ST_Multi(ST_Difference(a.geom, b.geom)), 2)::geometry(MultiLineString, 27700) as geom
FROM lines a
    SELECT ST_UNION(polygons.geom)
    FROM polygons
    WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom,polygons.geom)
  ) AS b;

Extract Block faces Lines from Parcel Polygons


Solution 1

Union all polygons to get block polygons, subtract from parcel boundaries

SELECT block.id, ST_Intersection(block.geom, boundary.geom) geom
FROM block
SELECT ST_Boundary((ST_Dump(ST_Union(geom))).geom) geom
FROM block) boundary
ON ST_Intersects(block.geom, boundary.geom)

Solution 2

For each parcel, union all adjacent parcels and subtract from parcel boundary.

WITH parcels(id, geom) AS (VALUES
    ( 'a1', 'POLYGON ((10 10, 10 30, 30 30, 30 10, 10 10))'::geometry ),
    ( 'a2', 'POLYGON ((50 10, 30 10, 30 30, 50 30, 50 10))'::geometry ),
    ( 'a3', 'POLYGON ((10 50, 30 50, 30 30, 10 30, 10 50))'::geometry ),
    ( 'a4', 'POLYGON ((50 50, 50 30, 30 30, 30 50, 50 50))'::geometry )
SELECT p.id, 
       ST_Difference( ST_Boundary(p.geom), pp.geom ) AS geom
FROM parcels p
  JOIN LATERAL (SELECT ST_Collect(ST_Boundary(p2.geom)) AS geom
              FROM parcels p2 
              WHERE p.id <> p2.id AND ST_Intersects(p.geom, p2.geom) ) AS pp ON true;


  • scales to an unlimited number of parcels
  • may provide better feedback if the parcels are not noded correctly (since more of each parcel’s linework is kept)

Polygon Symmetric Difference

Construct symmetric difference of two tables
