- Node (Split) a table of lines by another table of lines
- Node a table of lines with itself
- Node a table of Lines by a Set of Points
- Compute points of intersection for a LineString
- Compute location of noding failures
- Clip Set of LineString by intersection points
- Construct locations where LineStrings self-intersect
Node (Split) a table of lines by another table of lines
Node a table of lines with itself
Node a table of Lines by a Set of Points
Compute points of intersection for a LineString
Compute location of noding failures
Using ST_Node on set of linestrings produces an error with no indication of where the problem occurs. Currently ST_Node uses IteratedNoder, which nodes up to 6 times, ahd fails if intersections are still found.
Solution Would be possible to report the nodes found in the last pass, which wouild indicate where the problems occur.
Would be better to eliminate noding errors via snap-rounding, or some other kind of snapping
Clip Set of LineString by intersection points
Uses ST_Split_Multi
from here:
Construct locations where LineStrings self-intersect
Solution SQL to compute LineString self-intersetions is provided