
  1. Polygon Union
    1. Union Polygons from two tables, grouped by name
    2. Boundary of Coverage of Polygons
    3. Union of set of geometry specified by IDs
    4. Union of Point cells grouped by ID
    5. Union of polygons with equal or lower value
    6. Union Non-clean Polygons
  2. Union Groups of Edge-Adjacent Polygons
    1. Union Edge-Adjacent Polygons
    2. Union Edge-Adjacent Polygons, keeping attributes
    3. Union Groups of Adjacent Polygon, keeping attribution for singletons
  3. Union with Gap Removal
    1. Polygon Coverage Union with slivers removed
    2. Polygon Coverage Union with gaps removed
    3. Union groups of almost-adjacent polygons
    4. Enlarge Polygons to Fill Boundary
    5. Create polygons that fill gaps
  4. Union of Large datasets
    1. Union of Massive Number of Point Buffers using GeoHash spatial partitioning
    2. Union by Spatial Partition via Intersection
    3. Union Large Datasets (Questions only)

Polygon Union

Union Polygons from two tables, grouped by name


SELECT name, ST_Multi(ST_Union(geom)) AS geom
  SELECT name, geom FROM table1
  SELECT name, geom FROM table2 ) q
GROUP BY name;

Boundary of Coverage of Polygons


Solution Union, then extract boundary

Union of set of geometry specified by IDs

SELECT ST_Union(geom)) 
  FROM ( SELECT geom FROM table WHERE id IN (  ) ) as t;

Union of Point cells grouped by ID


  _cluster_id UUID;
  _cluster_geometry GEOMETRY;
  FOR _cluster_id IN SELECT id FROM ds_forecast_objects.clusters
    SELECT st_union(st_expand(gn.geom, 0.0041, 0.0023)) INTO _cluster_geometry
    FROM grid_nodes as gn
      JOIN grid_node_clusters as gnc
          ON gn.id = gnc.grid_node_id AND gnc.cluster_id = _cluster_id;

    INSERT INTO clusters_geometry(cluster_id, geom)
      VALUES (_cluster_id, _cluster_geometry);

Union of polygons with equal or lower value


Solution Use of window functions with PARTITION BY and ORDER BY.

Not sure what happens if there are two polygons with same value though?

Union Non-clean Polygons


Solution Snap Polygons to grid to help clean invalid polygons

 SELECT ST_Union(ST_SnapToGrid(the_geom,0.0001)) 
 FROM parishes
 GROUP BY county_name;

Union Groups of Edge-Adjacent Polygons

Union Edge-Adjacent Polygons



Group the polygons via an intersects relationship and union the partitions. This can be done in-memory using ST_ClusterIntersecting, or non-memory bound by using ST_ClusterDBSCAN.

SELECT ST_UnaryUnion( UNNEST( ST_ClusterIntersecting(geom) ) ) FROM polys;

Union Edge-Adjacent Polygons, keeping attributes

Only union polygons which share an edge (not just touch).

Solution No good solution so far.
What is needed is a function similar to ST_ClusterIntersecting but which does not group polygons which touch only at points.

Union Groups of Adjacent Polygon, keeping attribution for singletons


Solution Use ST_ClusterDBSCAN with a zero (or very small) distance

Union with Gap Removal

Polygon Coverage Union with slivers removed


Solution - NOT SURE

Polygon Coverage Union with gaps removed



Both of these have answers recommending using a small buffer outwards and then the inverse on the result.

Union groups of almost-adjacent polygons


Solution (lossy)

SELECT (ST_DUMP(ST_UNION(ST_SNAPTOGRID(the_geom,0.0001)))).geom, color
FROM my_poly
GROUP BY color

Enlarge Polygons to Fill Boundary


Create polygons that fill gaps


WITH polygons(geom) AS
(VALUES (ST_Buffer(ST_Point(0, 0), 1.1,3)),
        (ST_Buffer(ST_Point(0, 2), 1.1,3)),
        (ST_Buffer(ST_Point(2, 2), 1.1,3)),
        (ST_Buffer(ST_Point(2, 0), 1.1,3)),
        (ST_Buffer(ST_Point(4, 1), 1.3,3))
bigpoly AS
(SELECT ST_UNION(geom)geom 
 FROM polygons)
SELECT ST_BuildArea(ST_InteriorRingN(geom,i)) 
FROM bigpoly
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,(SELECT ST_NumInteriorRings(geom) FROM bigpoly)) as i;

Union of Large datasets

Union of Massive Number of Point Buffers using GeoHash spatial partitioning


Union a massive number of buffers around points which have an uneven distribution (points are demographic data in the UK). Using plain ST_Union runs out of memory.


Implement a “SQL-level” cascaded union:

  • spatially sort data based on ST_GeoHash
  • union smaller partitions of the data (e.g. partition size = 100K)
  • union the partitions together

WITH ordered AS (
  SELECT ST_Buffer(geom, 10) AS geom
  FROM points
  ORDER BY ST_GeoHash(geom)
grouped AS (
  SELECT nextval('bseq') / 100000 AS id, ST_Union(geom) AS geom
  FROM ordered
groupedfinal AS (
  SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS geom
  FROM grouped
SELECT * FROM groupedfinal;

Union by Spatial Partition via Intersection


If a dataset is fairly sparse, it may provide a performance and memory advantage to union by groups of geometries partitioned by a “touches” relation.
This can be done by using grouping the geometries via ST_ClusterDBSCAN with a zero or small distance, and then unioning the groups.

If needed the result could then be unioned once again to create a single result geometry. In theory the partitions should be disjoint, so potentially just collecting them should be faster and produce a valid MultiPolygon.


SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS geom
  FROM ( SELECT geom,
           ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geom, 0, 1) OVER () AS _id
         FROM input
         GROUP BY _id);

Union Large Datasets (Questions only)

These questions are looking for union of large sets of polygons.